Proctored Assessments &

Targeted Feedback

Proctoring Logistics

  • Krupnick Approach proctoring packages give schools the flexibility to use either teachers or our professional proctors to oversee exams. We ensure all students are prepared for a smooth testing experience.

  • We provide all necessary testing materials, including tests from our database of official exams and access to our digital platform that mimics the actual SAT®. Students practice with recent exams that reflect today’s ACT and SAT®.

  • Each student receives a score report detailing their raw and scaled scores in each subject, along with their national percentile rankings. Score reports can also include school-specific percentiles and recommendations for improvement in each subject. Additionally, students have a personalized portal to review question-by-question results and detailed analysis.

Data Analytics

  • The Krupnick Approach provides a user-friendly dataset for school administrators, teachers, and department heads. This enables educators to easily identify testing trends within their cohorts and make necessary adjustments to better prepare students for test day.

  • Our data analytics offer detailed insights by year, course, class, instructor, question tag, and other metrics. Before testing, our team will meet with all relevant educators to ensure that our process generates insights that are most helpful for you and your students.

Our Data Can Help You Answer Questions Like...

How did our students perform across all subjects, by raw score?

How did our students perform across all subjects, by scaled score?

How did our students perform across all subjects, compared to their composite scores?

In which sections did our students perform the highest and lowest?

What were the 10th, 25th, 50th, 75th, and 90th percentiles across the class in each subject?

How did our students perform across each test subject, compared to national averages?

Which subjects were most closely correlated across the class?

How were the discriminant, mean, and standard deviation of each question correlated for each subject?

How did our students perform on each question type within each subject?

How did our students perform across all subjects, by teacher?

How did our students perform across all subjects, by class and teacher?

How did our students perform across each question tag, by course?

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Let’s collaborate to make a lasting impact—together.